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Voice crying from the burning Tkhsinval
11 августа 2008
We run...
Voice crying from the burning Tkhsinval

North Ossetian journalists recorded thousands of oral evidences of survived Tkhsinval residents. Every single testimony will be processed and delivered to the international community.

Story of Natella S. Tedeeva, b. 1943. Left Tkhsinval for Vladikavkaz on August 9, 2008. The description of events on the «July 8» street of Tkhsinval. The record made by M. Tezieva on August 10, 2008 in Vladikavkaz. A word-for-word English translation.

«Rocket system «Grad» fired all night, the ground was shaking. They set houses on fire, murdered and raped. [We] suffered all night. The peacekeepers convoyed us to a bunker. No electricity, no water, no gas [cooker] inside. Children, females, elders. It’s so stuffy in the bunker, people are sitting right up to each other, infants choke in mother’s hands.

The floor is concrete. [People] starved in the bunker. Someone brought buckwheat ― [we] ate it. Two Georgian tanks came so near to our bunker. The peacekeepers ― young guys, Russian soldiers ― got frightened for our [destiny] ― there are infants, elders and women in the bunker. The white flag was hanged out. Two [peacekeepers] climbed outside and raised the white flag [to show that] refugees and children were there. When Barankevich saw the flag the peacekeepers managed to shot down Georgian tanks and we got the opportunity to escape the bunker. We run, walked on foot. [They] fired behind our backs all the way. We were moving down the Zar road. A passing by vehicle gave us a lift.

But some people remained in the bunker. How are they? I don’t know. Children, elders, without water and food. [Georgians] used such dreadful weapons that houses blazed up in seconds like matches, everything around was in flames. 

This time it was much worse than in 1992. We lived in Avneni village in 1992. Our 12-room house has been set on fire. Just like all other houses in Avneni. I was at home when they came inside to start a fire. We hid in a forest and then returned back. By our own hands we restored the habitat. And [soon] it was burnt down for the second time.

We left Avneni (it was located near the village of Khetagurovo which they totally destroyed). And now everything on the «July 8» street of Tkhsinval is also destroyed. A missile hit the place. I left all my livestock, all household and all property there. Everything was abandoned. I took nothing with me».

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